Structural Integration & Myofascial Release Therapy

Structural Integration assesses postural imbalances in body and uses Myofascial Release techniques to improve or to restore the balance for improved movement, proprioception and general wellbeing. Structural Integration is also a great way to prevent injuries as it usually improves the range of movement in tissues and joints.

Structural Integration uses Myofascial Release techniques that involve applying gentle sustained pressure into the fascial (connective tissue) restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. It's similar to massage, but the techniques are usually performed without oil or wax to enable deeper connection and the movement is slower. 

We have a number of different protocols to address common issues, but we also provide necessary treatment for individual issues. If you're unsure what you need, just get in touch for a chat or book a 20 minute free posture assessment and consultation.

Myofascial Release Therapy

All our treatments start with a consultation, posture and mobility assessment and based on the findings, a treatment plan is created. If you have a particular issue that is bothering you, feel that something's not as optimal as it could be, or you want improve resilience to prevent future injuries, this is a great way to start. 

We've also created a number of protocols to address most common issues with professional and active people. They are listed below. 

We also offer RockTape™ Fascial Movement Taping as part of treatment when needed.

Get 5 sessions for the price of 4.
Need a frequent tune-up? Great way to keep your body optimal by addressing those little niggles, regular treatments for chronic pain or have a treatment before and after those important activities.
Book in anytime you feel you need some help.

Myofascial Release Therapy 5-Pack

Do you want to be at your best on the big day of competing?
This package is combination of Structural Integration 3 series and 2 Myofascial Massage treatments.
The 3 Series will improve the posture, alignment, address chronic issues, build resiliency and improve movement. 1 pre-event myofascial massage will loosen you up before the big day hydrating the tissue layers for easier movement, reduced injury risk and better performance.
1 post-event myofascial massage with speed up the recovery by moving the lymphatic fluids around muscles and tissue pushing the lactic build up away and bringing fresh oxygenated fluids in the area.

Structural Integration & Myofascial Massage Event Package

Structural Integration was developed by Dr. Ida Rolf in New York in the 1940's. Dr Rolf’s student Tom Myers of Anatomy Trains developed Anatomy Trains Structural Integration based on fascial lines of the body. Structural Integration is a systematic approach to assess the posture and movement by body reading and observing the client. When structural issues or body imbalances are found, those are addressed with Myofascial Release techniques. This enables the body to return to more optimal structure for ease of movement, improved breathing and feeling more in touch with the body. 

Structural Integration is usually done in series of 3 sessions or series of 12 sessions. The 3 series is same as the first 3 sessions of the 12 series, so you can start with the 3 series and continue to complete the 12 series.

Structural Integration
3 Series

Structural Integration
12 Series

Structural Integration 12 series is comprehensive full body assessment and treatment protocol. 12 individual sessions all have a different purpose to aid the body to return to more optimal, improved state for better movement and ease of being. The 12 sessions are done usually minimum 1 week apart, so that the body and mind can adjust and discover the changes after each session. Some of the session seem to make a bigger difference, some less, but it’s all incremental work building on the previous session and changes are cumulative.

If you’d like to know more about the 12 Series, just get in touch and we’ll talk.

Treatment Protocols for Common Issues

These protocols are designed to help you to identify the area where you need help whether it’s postural issues due to work or trying to improve your movement and athletic performance.

Myofascial Release: Office Space & Text Neck

Using computers and mobile phones makes our lives easier, but they can cause havoc to our bodies. Sitting in front of a computer several hours a day can cause tension in the neck, shoulders and back. Staring at the mobile phone screen several times a day can create a forward head posture. This prolonged tension can cause headaches and other aches and pain. 

Office Space & Text Neck protocol increases the space in the front, opens the chest and reduces the tension in the neck. In the back, realigns the upper back and reduces the eccentric tension created by the forward posture. 

Myofascial Release: Run Free, Kick Off & Squat Deep

Runners, footballers, rugby players, martial artists, gymnasts, weightlifters and crossfitters need functioning feet from plantar fascia to toe mobility to ankle mobility. Most modern shoes with narrow toe boxes squish the toes reducing the movement leading to hammer toes, soft soles weaken the muscles of the feet and elevated heels shorten the plantar fascia and achilles tendon. These factors without proper and consistent mobilisation lead to tight, immobile feet and ankle. Immobile feet then are more prone to strains as during athletic activity due the tissue is overstretched in quick movements.

Run Free, Kick Off & Squat Deep protocol restores the plantar fascia and toe mobility and increases shin & calf tissue mobility to increase resilience against strains and shin splints. 

We also offer RockTape™ Fascial Movement Taping as part of treatment when needed.

Myofascial Release: Rack'n'Roll

Olympic weightlifters, basketball players, crossfitters, martial artists and gymnasts need great shoulder mobility for performing the barbell front rack, overhead barbell squats, muscle-ups, handstand exercises, throwing punches or defending kimuras. 

Rack'n'Roll protocol improves the shoulder mobility and increases the range of motion.

We also offer RockTape™ Fascial Movement Taping as part of treatment when needed.

Martial Artists, Boxers, contact sport athletes and people with TMJ issues or teeth grinding often have tightness, overloaded or stuck fascial tissue reducing the movement required for optimal movement of the neck and/or jaw.

We can work with you to release the tension in the front and back of the neck, jaw, face and inside the mouth and nose.

Myofascial Release: Neck & Jaw

Myofascial Release: Scar Work

Traumas or medical operations can leave scars that have aesthetic  and functional repercussions.  Depending on the location, a red scar might become a distraction attracting unwanted attention. Superficial scars can create local tissue immobility which might have effects throughout the whole body. Deeper scars that penetrate into fascia profunda (deep fascia) can be a source of chronic pain and tissue immobility. 

Myofascial Scar Work can often change the appearance of the scars from red line to white resembling more stretch marks. Tissue mobility can also be improved allowing greater movement around the area potentially reducing the tight feeling which can be a cause of chronic pain. We have successfully treated a scar resulting from partial removal of small intestine improving the appearance and mobility of stomach skin.  We've also treated another scar resulting from hip replacement reducing significantly the redness of the scar making it less apparent from distance and improving the hip mobility by improving the range of motion.